Source code for pyam.core

import copy
import importlib
import itertools
import os
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    import ixmp
    has_ix = True
except ImportError:
    has_ix = False

from pyam import plotting

from pyam.logger import logger
from pyam.run_control import run_control
from pyam.utils import (
from pyam.timeseries import fill_series

[docs]class IamDataFrame(object): """This class is a wrapper for dataframes following the IAMC format. It provides a number of diagnostic features (including validation of data, completeness of variables provided) as well as a number of visualization and plotting tools. """ def __init__(self, data, **kwargs): """Initialize an instance of an IamDataFrame Parameters ---------- data: ixmp.TimeSeries, ixmp.Scenario, pd.DataFrame or data file an instance of an TimeSeries or Scenario (requires `ixmp`), or pd.DataFrame or data file with IAMC-format data columns. A pd.DataFrame can have the required data as columns or index. Special support is provided for data files downloaded directly from IIASA SSP and RCP databases. If you run into any problems loading data, please make an issue at: """ # import data from pd.DataFrame or read from source if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): = format_data(data.copy()) elif has_ix and isinstance(data, ixmp.TimeSeries): = read_ix(data, **kwargs) else: = read_files(data, **kwargs) # cast year column to `int` if necessary if not == 'int64': = cast_years_to_int( # define a dataframe for categorization and other metadata indicators self.meta =[META_IDX].drop_duplicates().set_index(META_IDX) self.reset_exclude() # execute user-defined code if 'exec' in run_control(): self._execute_run_control() def __getitem__(self, key): _key_check = [key] if isstr(key) else key if set(_key_check).issubset(self.meta.columns): return self.meta.__getitem__(key) else: return def __setitem__(self, key, value): _key_check = [key] if isstr(key) else key if set(_key_check).issubset(self.meta.columns): return self.meta.__setitem__(key, value) else: return, value) def __len__(self): return def _execute_run_control(self): for module_block in run_control()['exec']: fname = module_block['file'] functions = module_block['functions'] dirname = os.path.dirname(fname) if dirname: sys.path.append(dirname) module = os.path.basename(fname).split('.')[0] mod = importlib.import_module(module) for func in functions: f = getattr(mod, func) f(self)
[docs] def head(self, *args, **kwargs): """Identical to pd.DataFrame.head() operating on data"""
return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def tail(self, *args, **kwargs): """Identical to pd.DataFrame.tail() operating on data"""
return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def models(self): """Get a list of models"""
return pd.Series(self.meta.index.levels[0])
[docs] def scenarios(self): """Get a list of scenarios"""
return pd.Series(self.meta.index.levels[1])
[docs] def regions(self): """Get a list of regions"""
return pd.Series(['region'].unique(), name='region')
[docs] def variables(self, include_units=False): """Get a list of variables Parameters ---------- include_units: boolean, default False include the units """ if include_units: return[['variable', 'unit']].drop_duplicates()\ .reset_index(drop=True).sort_values('variable') else:
return pd.Series(, name='variable')
[docs] def append(self, other, ignore_meta_conflict=False, inplace=False, **kwargs): """Append any castable object to this IamDataFrame. Columns in `other.meta` that are not in `self.meta` are always merged, duplicate region-variable-unit-year rows raise a ValueError. Parameters ---------- other: pyam.IamDataFrame, ixmp.TimeSeries, ixmp.Scenario, pd.DataFrame or data file An IamDataFrame, TimeSeries or Scenario (requires `ixmp`), pandas.DataFrame or data file with IAMC-format data columns ignore_meta_conflict : bool, default False If False and `other` is an IamDataFrame, raise an error if any meta columns present in `self` and `other` are not identical. inplace : bool, default False If True, do operation inplace and return None """ ret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not inplace else self if not isinstance(other, IamDataFrame): other = IamDataFrame(other, **kwargs) ignore_meta_conflict = True diff = other.meta.index.difference(ret.meta.index) intersect = other.meta.index.intersection(ret.meta.index) # merge other.meta columns not in self.meta for existing scenarios if not intersect.empty: # if not ignored, check that overlapping meta dataframes are equal if not ignore_meta_conflict: cols = [i for i in other.meta.columns if i in ret.meta.columns] if not ret.meta.loc[intersect, cols].equals( other.meta.loc[intersect, cols]): conflict_idx = ( pd.concat([ret.meta.loc[intersect, cols], other.meta.loc[intersect, cols]] ).drop_duplicates() .index.drop_duplicates() ) msg = 'conflict in `meta` for scenarios {}'.format( [i for i in pd.DataFrame(index=conflict_idx).index]) raise ValueError(msg) cols = [i for i in other.meta.columns if i not in ret.meta.columns] _meta = other.meta.loc[intersect, cols] ret.meta = ret.meta.merge(_meta, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True) # join other.meta for new scenarios if not diff.empty: # sorting not supported by ` pd.append()` prior to version 23 sort_kwarg = {} if int(pd.__version__.split('.')[1]) < 23 \ else dict(sort=False) ret.meta = ret.meta.append(other.meta.loc[diff, :], **sort_kwarg) # append (verify integrity for no duplicates), inplace=True), inplace=True) =, verify_integrity=True)\ .reset_index(drop=False) if not inplace:
return ret
[docs] def pivot_table(self, index, columns, values='value', aggfunc='count', fill_value=None, style=None): """Returns a pivot table Parameters ---------- index: str or list of strings rows for Pivot table columns: str or list of strings columns for Pivot table values: str, default 'value' dataframe column to aggregate or count aggfunc: str or function, default 'count' function used for aggregation, accepts 'count', 'mean', and 'sum' fill_value: scalar, default None value to replace missing values with style: str, default None output style for pivot table formatting accepts 'highlight_not_max', 'heatmap' """ index = [index] if isstr(index) else index columns = [columns] if isstr(columns) else columns df = # allow 'aggfunc' to be passed as string for easier user interface if isstr(aggfunc): if aggfunc == 'count': df = + columns, as_index=False).count() fill_value = 0 elif aggfunc == 'mean': df = + columns, as_index=False).mean()\ .round(2) aggfunc = np.sum fill_value = 0 if style == 'heatmap' else "" elif aggfunc == 'sum': aggfunc = np.sum fill_value = 0 if style == 'heatmap' else "" df = df.pivot_table(values=values, index=index, columns=columns, aggfunc=aggfunc, fill_value=fill_value)
return df
[docs] def interpolate(self, year): """Interpolate missing values in timeseries (linear interpolation) Parameters ---------- year: int year to be interpolated """ df = self.pivot_table(index=IAMC_IDX, columns=['year'], values='value', aggfunc=np.sum) # drop year-rows where values are already defined if year in df.columns: df = df[np.isnan(df[year])] fill_values = df.apply(fill_series, raw=False, axis=1, year=year) fill_values = fill_values.dropna().reset_index() fill_values = fill_values.rename(columns={0: "value"}) fill_values['year'] = year =, ignore_index=True)
[docs] def as_pandas(self, with_metadata=False): """Return this as a pd.DataFrame Parameters ---------- with_metadata : bool, default False if True, join data with existing metadata """ df = if with_metadata: df = (df .set_index(META_IDX) .join(self.meta) .reset_index() )
return df
[docs] def timeseries(self): """Returns a dataframe in the standard IAMC format """ return ( .pivot_table(index=IAMC_IDX, columns='year') .value # column name .rename_axis(None, axis=1)
[docs] def reset_exclude(self): """Reset exclusion assignment for all scenarios to `exclude: False`"""
self.meta['exclude'] = False
[docs] def set_meta(self, meta, name=None, index=None): """Add metadata columns as pd.Series, list or value (int/float/str) Parameters ---------- meta: pd.Series, list, int, float or str column to be added to metadata (by `['model', 'scenario']` index if possible) name: str, optional meta column name (defaults to meta; either a or the name kwarg must be defined index: pyam.IamDataFrame, pd.DataFrame or pd.MultiIndex, optional index to be used for setting meta column (`['model', 'scenario']`) """ if (name or (hasattr(meta, 'name') and in [None, False]: raise ValueError('Must pass a name or use a named pd.Series') # check if meta has a valid index and use it for further workflow if hasattr(meta, 'index') and hasattr(meta.index, 'names') \ and set(META_IDX).issubset(meta.index.names): index = meta.index # if no valid index is provided, add meta as new column `name` and exit if index is None: self.meta[name] = list(meta) if islistable(meta) else meta return # EXIT FUNCTION # use meta.index if index arg is an IamDataFrame if isinstance(index, IamDataFrame): index = index.meta.index # turn dataframe to index if index arg is a DataFrame if isinstance(index, pd.DataFrame): index = index.set_index(META_IDX).index if not isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): raise ValueError('index cannot be coerced to pd.MultiIndex') # raise error if index is not unique if index.duplicated().any(): raise ValueError("non-unique ['model', 'scenario'] index!") # create pd.Series from meta, index and name if provided meta = pd.Series(data=meta, index=index, name=name) = name = name or # reduce index dimensions to model-scenario only meta = ( meta .reset_index() .reindex(columns=META_IDX + [name]) .set_index(META_IDX) ) # check if trying to add model-scenario index not existing in self diff = meta.index.difference(self.meta.index) if not diff.empty: error = "adding metadata for non-existing scenarios '{}'!" raise ValueError(error.format(diff)) self._new_meta_column(name)
self.meta[name] = meta[name].combine_first(self.meta[name])
[docs] def categorize(self, name, value, criteria, color=None, marker=None, linestyle=None): """Assign scenarios to a category according to specific criteria or display the category assignment Parameters ---------- name: str category column name value: str category identifier criteria: dict dictionary with variables mapped to applicable checks ('up' and 'lo' for respective bounds, 'year' for years - optional) color: str assign a color to this category for plotting marker: str assign a marker to this category for plotting linestyle: str assign a linestyle to this category for plotting """ # add plotting run control for kind, arg in [('color', color), ('marker', marker), ('linestyle', linestyle)]: if arg: run_control().update({kind: {name: {value: arg}}}) # find all data that matches categorization rows = _apply_criteria(, criteria, in_range=True, return_test='all') idx = _meta_idx(rows) if len(idx) == 0: logger().info("No scenarios satisfy the criteria") return # EXIT FUNCTION # update metadata dataframe self._new_meta_column(name) self.meta.loc[idx, name] = value msg = '{} scenario{} categorized as `{}: {}`' logger().info(msg.format(len(idx), '' if len(idx) == 1 else 's',
name, value)) def _new_meta_column(self, name): """Add a column to meta if it doesn't exist, set to value `np.nan`""" if name is None: raise ValueError('cannot add a meta column `{}`'.format(name)) if name not in self.meta: self.meta[name] = np.nan
[docs] def require_variable(self, variable, unit=None, year=None, exclude_on_fail=False): """Check whether all scenarios have a required variable Parameters ---------- variable: str required variable unit: str, default None name of unit (optional) years: int or list, default None years (optional) exclude: bool, default False flag scenarios missing the required variables as `exclude: True` """ criteria = {'variable': variable} if unit: criteria.update({'unit': unit}) if year: criteria.update({'year': year}) keep = _apply_filters(, self.meta, criteria) idx = self.meta.index.difference(_meta_idx([keep])) n = len(idx) if n == 0: logger().info('All scenarios have the required variable `{}`' .format(variable)) return msg = '{} scenario does not include required variable `{}`' if n == 1 \ else '{} scenarios do not include required variable `{}`' if exclude_on_fail: self.meta.loc[idx, 'exclude'] = True msg += ', marked as `exclude: True` in metadata' logger().info(msg.format(n, variable))
return pd.DataFrame(index=idx).reset_index()
[docs] def validate(self, criteria={}, exclude_on_fail=False): """Validate scenarios using criteria on timeseries values Parameters ---------- criteria: dict dictionary with variable keys and check values ('up' and 'lo' for respective bounds, 'year' for years) exclude_on_fail: bool, default False flag scenarios failing validation as `exclude: True` """ df = _apply_criteria(, criteria, in_range=False) if not df.empty: msg = '{} of {} data points to not satisfy the criteria' logger().info(msg.format(len(df), len( if exclude_on_fail and len(df) > 0: self._exclude_on_fail(df)
return df
[docs] def rename(self, mapping, inplace=False): """Rename and aggregate column entries using `groupby.sum()` on values. When renaming models or scenarios, the uniqueness of the index must be maintained, and the function will raise an error otherwise. Parameters ---------- mapping: dict for each column where entries should be renamed, provide current name and target name {<column name>: {<current_name_1>: <target_name_1>, <current_name_2>: <target_name_2>}} inplace: bool, default False if True, do operation inplace and return None """ ret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not inplace else self for col, _mapping in mapping.items(): if col in ['model', 'scenario']: index = pd.DataFrame(index=ret.meta.index).reset_index() index.loc[:, col] = index.loc[:, col].replace(_mapping) if index.duplicated().any(): raise ValueError('Renaming to non-unique {} index!' .format(col)) ret.meta.index = index.set_index(META_IDX).index elif col not in ['region', 'variable', 'unit']: raise ValueError('Renaming by {} not supported!'.format(col))[:, col] =[:, col].replace(_mapping) = if not inplace:
return ret
[docs] def convert_unit(self, conversion_mapping, inplace=False): """Converts units based on provided unit conversion factors Parameters ---------- conversion_mapping: dict for each unit for which a conversion should be carried out, provide current unit and target unit and conversion factor {<current unit>: [<target unit>, <conversion factor>]} inplace: bool, default False if True, do operation inplace and return None """ ret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not inplace else self for current_unit, (new_unit, factor) in conversion_mapping.items(): factor = pd.to_numeric(factor) where =['unit'] == current_unit[where, 'value'] *= factor[where, 'unit'] = new_unit if not inplace:
return ret
[docs] def check_aggregate(self, variable, components=None, units=None, exclude_on_fail=False, multiplier=1, **kwargs): """Check whether the timeseries data match the aggregation of components or sub-categories Parameters ---------- variable: str variable to be checked for matching aggregation of sub-categories components: list of str, default None list of variables, defaults to all sub-categories of `variable` units: str or list of str, default None filter variable and components for given unit(s) exclude_on_fail: boolean, default False flag scenarios failing validation as `exclude: True` multiplier: number, default 1 factor when comparing variable and sum of components kwargs: passed to `np.isclose()` """ # default components to all variables one level below `variable` if components is None: var_list = pd.Series( components = var_list[pattern_match(var_list, '{}|*'.format(variable), 0)] if not len(components): msg = 'cannot check aggregate for {} because it has no components' logger().info(msg.format(variable)) return # filter and groupby data, use `pd.Series.align` for matching index df_variable, df_components = ( _aggregate_by_variables(, variable, units) .align(_aggregate_by_variables(, components, units)) ) # use `np.isclose` for checking match diff = df_variable[~np.isclose(df_variable, multiplier * df_components, **kwargs)] if len(diff): msg = '{} - {} of {} data points are not aggregates of components' logger().info(msg.format(variable, len(diff), len(df_variable))) if exclude_on_fail: self._exclude_on_fail(diff.index.droplevel([2, 3])) diff = pd.concat([diff], keys=[variable], names=['variable'])
return diff.unstack().rename_axis(None, axis=1)
[docs] def check_aggregate_regions(self, variable, region='World', components=None, units=None, exclude_on_fail=False, **kwargs): """Check whether the region timeseries data match the aggregation of components Parameters ---------- variable: str variable to be checked for matching aggregation of components data region: str region to be checked for matching aggregation of components data components: list of str, default None list of regions, defaults to all regions except region units: str or list of str, default None filter variable and components for given unit(s) exclude_on_fail: boolean, default False flag scenarios failing validation as `exclude: True` kwargs: passed to `np.isclose()` """ var_df = self.filter(variable=variable, level=0) if components is None: components = list(set( - set([region])) if not len(components): msg = ( 'cannot check regional aggregate for `{}` because it has no ' 'regional components' ) logger().info(msg.format(variable)) return None # filter and groupby data, use `pd.Series.align` for matching index df_region, df_components = ( _aggregate_by_regions(, region, units) .align(_aggregate_by_regions(, components, units)) ) df_components.index = df_components.index.droplevel( "variable" ) # Add in variables that are included in region totals but which # aren't included in the regional components. # For example, if we are looking at World and Emissions|BC, we need # to add aviation and shipping to the sum of Emissions|BC for each # of World's regional components to do a valid check. different_region = components[0] var_list = pd.Series( var_components = var_list[pattern_match(var_list, '{}|*'.format(variable), 0)] for var_to_add in var_components: var_rows = == var_to_add region_rows = == different_region var_has_regional_info = (var_rows & region_rows).any() if not var_has_regional_info: df_var_to_add = self.filter( region=region, variable=var_to_add ).data.groupby(REGION_IDX).sum()['value'] df_var_to_add.index = df_var_to_add.index.droplevel("variable") if len(df_var_to_add): df_components = df_components.add(df_var_to_add, fill_value=0) df_components = pd.concat([df_components], keys=[variable], names=['variable']) # use `np.isclose` for checking match diff = df_region[~np.isclose(df_region, df_components, **kwargs)] if len(diff): msg = ( '{} - {} of {} data points are not aggregates of regional ' 'components' ) logger().info(msg.format(variable, len(diff), len(df_region))) if exclude_on_fail: self._exclude_on_fail(diff.index.droplevel([2, 3])) diff = pd.concat([diff], keys=[region], names=['region'])
return diff.unstack().rename_axis(None, axis=1)
[docs] def check_internal_consistency(self, **kwargs): """Check whether the database is internally consistent We check that all variables are equal to the sum of their sectoral components and that all the regions add up to the World total. If the check is passed, None is returned, otherwise a dictionary of inconsistent variables is returned. Note: at the moment, this method's regional checking is limited to checking that all the regions sum to the World region. We cannot make this more automatic unless we start to store how the regions relate, see [this issue]( Parameters ---------- kwargs: passed to `np.isclose()` """ inconsistent_vars = {} for variable in self.variables(): diff_agg = self.check_aggregate(variable, **kwargs) if diff_agg is not None: inconsistent_vars[variable + "-aggregate"] = diff_agg diff_regional = self.check_aggregate_regions(variable, **kwargs) if diff_regional is not None: inconsistent_vars[variable + "-regional"] = diff_regional
return inconsistent_vars if inconsistent_vars else None def _exclude_on_fail(self, df): """Assign a selection of scenarios as `exclude: True` in meta""" idx = df if isinstance(df, pd.MultiIndex) else _meta_idx(df) self.meta.loc[idx, 'exclude'] = True logger().info('{} non-valid scenario{} will be excluded' .format(len(idx), '' if len(idx) == 1 else 's'))
[docs] def filter(self, filters=None, keep=True, inplace=False, **kwargs): """Return a filtered IamDataFrame (i.e., a subset of current data) Parameters ---------- keep: bool, default True keep all scenarios satisfying the filters (if True) or the inverse inplace: bool, default False if True, do operation inplace and return None filters by kwargs or dict (deprecated): The following columns are available for filtering: - metadata columns: filter by category assignment in metadata - 'model', 'scenario', 'region', 'variable', 'unit': string or list of strings, where ``*`` can be used as a wildcard - 'level': the maximum "depth" of IAM variables (number of '|') (exluding the strings given in the 'variable' argument) - 'year': takes an integer, a list of integers or a range note that the last year of a range is not included, so ``range(2010,2015)`` is interpreted as ``[2010, ..., 2014]`` - 'regexp=True' overrides pseudo-regexp syntax in `pattern_match()` """ if filters is not None: warnings.warn( '`filters` keyword argument in filters() is deprecated and will be removed in the next release') kwargs.update(filters) _keep = _apply_filters(, self.meta, kwargs) _keep = _keep if keep else ~_keep ret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not inplace else self =[_keep] idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( pd.unique(list(zip(['model'],['scenario']))), names=('model', 'scenario') ) if len(idx) == 0: logger().warning('Filtered IamDataFrame is empty!') ret.meta = ret.meta.loc[idx] if not inplace:
return ret
[docs] def col_apply(self, col, func, *args, **kwargs): """Apply a function to a column Parameters ---------- col: string column in either data or metadata func: functional function to apply """ if col in[col] =[col].apply(func, *args, **kwargs) else:
self.meta[col] = self.meta[col].apply(func, *args, **kwargs) def _to_file_format(self): """Return a dataframe suitable for writing to a file""" df = self.timeseries().reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={c: str(c).title() for c in df.columns}) return df
[docs] def to_csv(self, path, index=False, **kwargs): """Write data to a csv file Parameters ---------- index: boolean, default False write row names (index) """
self._to_file_format().to_csv(path, index=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_excel(self, path=None, writer=None, sheet_name='data', index=False, **kwargs): """Write timeseries data to Excel using the IAMC template convention (wrapper for `pd.DataFrame.to_excel()`) Parameters ---------- excel_writer: string or ExcelWriter object file path or existing ExcelWriter sheet_name: string, default 'data' name of the sheet that will contain the (filtered) IamDataFrame index: boolean, default False write row names (index) """ if (path is None and writer is None) or \ (path is not None and writer is not None): raise ValueError('Only one of path and writer must have a value') close = writer is None if writer is None: writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path) self._to_file_format().to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, index=index, **kwargs) if close:
[docs] def export_metadata(self, path): """Export metadata to Excel Parameters ---------- path: string path/filename for xlsx file of metadata export """ writer = pd.ExcelWriter(path) write_sheet(writer, 'meta', self.meta, index=True)
[docs] def load_metadata(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """Load metadata exported from `pyam.IamDataFrame` instance Parameters ---------- path: string xlsx file with metadata exported from `pyam.IamDataFrame` instance """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("no metadata file '" + path + "' found!") if path.endswith('csv'): df = pd.read_csv(path, *args, **kwargs) else: xl = pd.ExcelFile(path) if len(xl.sheet_names) > 1 and 'sheet_name' not in kwargs: kwargs['sheet_name'] = 'meta' df = pd.read_excel(path, *args, **kwargs) req_cols = ['model', 'scenario', 'exclude'] if not set(req_cols).issubset(set(df.columns)): e = 'File `{}` does not have required columns ({})!' raise ValueError(e.format(path, req_cols)) # set index, filter to relevant scenarios from imported metadata file df.set_index(META_IDX, inplace=True) idx = self.meta.index.intersection(df.index) n_invalid = len(df) - len(idx) if n_invalid > 0: msg = 'Ignoring {} scenario{} from imported metadata' logger().info(msg.format(n_invalid, 's' if n_invalid > 1 else '')) if idx.empty: raise ValueError('No valid scenarios in imported metadata file!') df = df.loc[idx] # Merge in imported metadata msg = 'Importing metadata for {} scenario{} (for total of {})' logger().info(msg.format(len(df), 's' if len(df) > 1 else '', len(self.meta))) for col in df.columns: self._new_meta_column(col) self.meta[col] = df[col].combine_first(self.meta[col]) # set column `exclude` to bool
self.meta.exclude = self.meta.exclude.astype('bool')
[docs] def line_plot(self, x='year', y='value', **kwargs): """Plot timeseries lines of existing data see pyam.plotting.line_plot() for all available options """ df = self.as_pandas(with_metadata=True) # pivot data if asked for explicit variable name variables = df['variable'].unique() if x in variables or y in variables: keep_vars = set([x, y]) & set(variables) df = df[df['variable'].isin(keep_vars)] idx = list(set(df.columns) - set(['value'])) df = (df .reset_index() .set_index(idx) .value # df -> series .unstack(level='variable') # keep_vars are columns .rename_axis(None, axis=1) # rm column index name .reset_index() .set_index(META_IDX) ) if x != 'year' and y != 'year': df = df.drop('year', axis=1) # years causes NaNs ax, handles, labels = plotting.line_plot( df.dropna(), x=x, y=y, **kwargs)
return ax
[docs] def stack_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot timeseries stacks of existing data see pyam.plotting.stack_plot() for all available options """ df = self.as_pandas(with_metadata=True) ax = plotting.stack_plot(df, *args, **kwargs)
return ax
[docs] def bar_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot timeseries bars of existing data see pyam.plotting.bar_plot() for all available options """ df = self.as_pandas(with_metadata=True) ax = plotting.bar_plot(df, *args, **kwargs)
return ax
[docs] def pie_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot a pie chart see pyam.plotting.pie_plot() for all available options """ df = self.as_pandas(with_metadata=True) ax = plotting.pie_plot(df, *args, **kwargs)
return ax
[docs] def scatter(self, x, y, **kwargs): """Plot a scatter chart using metadata columns see pyam.plotting.scatter() for all available options """ xisvar = x in['variable'].unique() yisvar = y in['variable'].unique() if not xisvar and not yisvar: df = self.meta.reset_index() elif xisvar and yisvar: # filter pivot both and rename dfx = ( self .filter(variable=x) .as_pandas(with_metadata=True) .rename(columns={'value': x, 'unit': 'xunit'}) .set_index(YEAR_IDX) .drop('variable', axis=1) ) dfy = ( self .filter(variable=y) .as_pandas(with_metadata=True) .rename(columns={'value': y, 'unit': 'yunit'}) .set_index(YEAR_IDX) .drop('variable', axis=1) ) df = dfx.join(dfy, lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='').reset_index() else: # filter, merge with meta, and rename value column to match var var = x if xisvar else y df = ( self .filter(variable=var) .as_pandas(with_metadata=True) .rename(columns={'value': var}) ) ax = plotting.scatter(df.dropna(), x, y, **kwargs)
return ax
[docs] def map_regions(self, map_col, agg=None, copy_col=None, fname=None, region_col=None, remove_duplicates=False, inplace=False): """Plot regional data for a single model, scenario, variable, and year see pyam.plotting.region_plot() for all available options Parameters ---------- map_col: string The column used to map new regions to. Common examples include iso and 5_region. agg: string, optional Perform a data aggregation. Options include: sum. copy_col: string, optional Copy the existing region data into a new column for later use. fname: string, optional Use a non-default region mapping file region_col: string, optional Use a non-default column name for regions to map from. remove_duplicates: bool, optional, default: False If there are duplicates in the mapping from one regional level to another, then remove these duplicates by counting the most common mapped value. This option is most useful when mapping from high resolution (e.g., model regions) to low resolution (e.g., 5_region). inplace : bool, default False if True, do operation inplace and return None """ models = self.meta.index.get_level_values('model').unique() fname = fname or run_control()['region_mapping']['default'] mapping = read_pandas(fname).rename(str.lower, axis='columns') map_col = map_col.lower() ret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not inplace else self _df = columns_orderd = _df.columns # merge data dfs = [] for model in models: df = _df[_df['model'] == model] _col = region_col or '{}.REGION'.format(model) _map = mapping.rename(columns={_col.lower(): 'region'}) _map = _map[['region', map_col]].dropna().drop_duplicates() _map = _map[_map['region'].isin(_df['region'])] if remove_duplicates and _map['region'].duplicated().any(): # find duplicates where_dup = _map['region'].duplicated(keep=False) dups = _map[where_dup] logger().warning(""" Duplicate entries found for the following regions. Mapping will occur only for the most common instance. {}""".format(dups['region'].unique())) # get non duplicates _map = _map[~where_dup] # order duplicates by the count frequency dups = (dups .groupby(['region', map_col]) .size() .reset_index(name='count') .sort_values(by='count', ascending=False) .drop('count', axis=1)) # take top occurance dups = dups[~dups['region'].duplicated(keep='first')] # combine them back _map = pd.concat([_map, dups]) if copy_col is not None: df[copy_col] = df['region'] df = (df .merge(_map, on='region') .drop('region', axis=1) .rename(columns={map_col: 'region'}) ) dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs) # perform aggregations if agg == 'sum': df = df.groupby(LONG_IDX).sum().reset_index() = (df .reindex(columns=columns_orderd) .sort_values(SORT_IDX) .reset_index(drop=True) ) if not inplace:
return ret
[docs] def region_plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot regional data for a single model, scenario, variable, and year see pyam.plotting.region_plot() for all available options """ df = self.as_pandas(with_metadata=True) ax = plotting.region_plot(df, **kwargs)
return ax def _meta_idx(data): return data[META_IDX].drop_duplicates().set_index(META_IDX).index def _aggregate_by_variables(df, variables, units=None): variables = [variables] if isstr(variables) else variables df = df[df.variable.isin(variables)] if units is not None: units = [units] if isstr(units) else units df = df[df.unit.isin(units)] return df.groupby(YEAR_IDX).sum()['value'] def _aggregate_by_regions(df, regions, units=None): regions = [regions] if isstr(regions) else regions df = df[df.region.isin(regions)] if units is not None: units = [units] if isstr(units) else units df = df[df.unit.isin(units)] return df.groupby(REGION_IDX).sum()['value'] def _apply_filters(data, meta, filters): """Applies filters to the data and meta tables of an IamDataFrame. Parametersp ---------- data: pd.DataFrame data table of an IamDataFrame meta: pd.DataFrame meta table of an IamDataFrame filters: dict dictionary of filters ({col: values}}); uses a pseudo-regexp syntax by default, but accepts `regexp: True` to use direct regexp """ regexp = filters.pop('regexp', False) keep = np.array([True] * len(data)) # filter by columns and list of values for col, values in filters.items(): if col in meta.columns: matches = pattern_match(meta[col], values, regexp=regexp) cat_idx = meta[matches].index keep_col = data[META_IDX].set_index(META_IDX).index.isin(cat_idx) elif col in ['model', 'scenario', 'region', 'unit']: keep_col = pattern_match(data[col], values, regexp=regexp) elif col == 'variable': level = filters['level'] if 'level' in filters else None keep_col = pattern_match(data[col], values, level, regexp) elif col == 'year': keep_col = years_match(data[col], values) elif col == 'level': if 'variable' not in filters.keys(): keep_col = pattern_match(data['variable'], '*', values, regexp=regexp) else: continue else: raise ValueError( 'filter by column ' + col + ' not supported') keep &= keep_col return keep def _check_rows(rows, check, in_range=True, return_test='any'): """Check all rows to be in/out of a certain range and provide testing on return values based on provided conditions Parameters ---------- rows: pd.DataFrame data rows check: dict dictionary with possible values of "up", "lo", and "year" in_range: bool, optional check if values are inside or outside of provided range return_test: str, optional possible values: - 'any': default, return scenarios where check passes for any entry - 'all': test if all values match checks, if not, return empty set """ valid_checks = set(['up', 'lo', 'year']) if not set(check.keys()).issubset(valid_checks): msg = 'Unknown checking type: {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(check.keys() - valid_checks)) where_idx = set(rows.index[rows['year'] == check['year']]) \ if 'year' in check else set(rows.index) rows = rows.loc[list(where_idx)] up_op = rows['value'].__le__ if in_range else rows['value'].__gt__ lo_op = rows['value'].__ge__ if in_range else rows['value'].__lt__ check_idx = [] for (bd, op) in [('up', up_op), ('lo', lo_op)]: if bd in check: check_idx.append(set(rows.index[op(check[bd])])) if return_test is 'any': ret = where_idx & set.union(*check_idx) elif return_test == 'all': ret = where_idx if where_idx == set.intersection(*check_idx) else set() else: raise ValueError('Unknown return test: {}'.format(return_test)) return ret def _apply_criteria(df, criteria, **kwargs): """Apply criteria individually to every model/scenario instance""" idxs = [] for var, check in criteria.items(): _df = df[df['variable'] == var] for group in _df.groupby(META_IDX): grp_idxs = _check_rows(group[-1], check, **kwargs) idxs.append(grp_idxs) df = df.loc[itertools.chain(*idxs)] return df def validate(df, criteria={}, exclude_on_fail=False, **kwargs): """Validate scenarios using criteria on timeseries values Parameters ---------- df: IamDataFrame instance args: see `IamDataFrame.validate()` for details kwargs: passed to `df.filter()` """ fdf = df.filter(**kwargs) if len( > 0: vdf = fdf.validate(criteria=criteria, exclude_on_fail=exclude_on_fail) df.meta['exclude'] |= fdf.meta['exclude'] # update if any excluded return vdf def require_variable(df, variable, unit=None, year=None, exclude_on_fail=False, **kwargs): """Check whether all scenarios have a required variable Parameters ---------- df: IamDataFrame instance args: see `IamDataFrame.require_variable()` for details kwargs: passed to `df.filter()` """ fdf = df.filter(**kwargs) if len( > 0: vdf = fdf.require_variable(variable=variable, unit=unit, year=year, exclude_on_fail=exclude_on_fail) df.meta['exclude'] |= fdf.meta['exclude'] # update if any excluded return vdf def categorize(df, name, value, criteria, color=None, marker=None, linestyle=None, **kwargs): """Assign scenarios to a category according to specific criteria or display the category assignment Parameters ---------- df: IamDataFrame instance args: see `IamDataFrame.categorize()` for details kwargs: passed to `df.filter()` """ fdf = df.filter(**kwargs) fdf.categorize(name=name, value=value, criteria=criteria, color=color, marker=marker, linestyle=linestyle) # update metadata if name in df.meta: df.meta[name].update(fdf.meta[name]) else: df.meta[name] = fdf.meta[name] def check_aggregate(df, variable, components=None, units=None, exclude_on_fail=False, multiplier=1, **kwargs): """Check whether the timeseries values match the aggregation of sub-categories Parameters ---------- df: IamDataFrame instance args: see IamDataFrame.check_aggregate() for details kwargs: passed to `df.filter()` """ fdf = df.filter(**kwargs) if len( > 0: vdf = fdf.check_aggregate(variable=variable, components=components, units=units, exclude_on_fail=exclude_on_fail, multiplier=multiplier) df.meta['exclude'] |= fdf.meta['exclude'] # update if any excluded return vdf
[docs]def filter_by_meta(data, df, join_meta=False, **kwargs): """Filter by and join meta columns from an IamDataFrame to a pd.DataFrame Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame instance DataFrame to which meta columns are to be joined, index or columns must include `['model', 'scenario']` df: IamDataFrame instance IamDataFrame from which meta columns are filtered and joined (optional) join_meta: bool, default False join selected columns from `df.meta` on `data` kwargs: meta columns to be filtered/joined, where `col=...` applies filters by the given arguments (using `utils.pattern_match()`) and `col=None` joins the column without filtering (setting col to `np.nan` if `(model, scenario) not in df.meta.index`) """ if not set(META_IDX).issubset(data.index.names + list(data.columns)): raise ValueError('missing required index dimensions or columns!') meta = pd.DataFrame(df.meta[list(set(kwargs) - set(META_IDX))].copy()) # filter meta by columns keep = np.array([True] * len(meta)) apply_filter = False for col, values in kwargs.items(): if col in META_IDX and values is not None: _col = meta.index.get_level_values(0 if col is 'model' else 1) keep &= pattern_match(_col, values, has_nan=False) apply_filter = True elif values is not None: keep &= pattern_match(meta[col], values) apply_filter |= values is not None meta = meta[keep] # set the data index to META_IDX and apply filtered meta index data = data.copy() idx = list(data.index.names) if not data.index.names == [None] else None data = data.reset_index().set_index(META_IDX) meta = meta.loc[meta.index.intersection(data.index)] meta.index.names = META_IDX if apply_filter: data = data.loc[meta.index] data.index.names = META_IDX # join meta (optional), reset index to format as input arg data = data.join(meta) if join_meta else data data = data.reset_index().set_index(idx or 'index') if idx is None: = None
return data