Plot Timeseries DataΒΆ



model scenario  region       variable       unit  year      value
9   MESSAGE-GLOBIOM  SSP2-26  R5ASIA  Emissions|CO2  Mt CO2/yr  2005  10488.011
15  MESSAGE-GLOBIOM  SSP2-26   R5LAM  Emissions|CO2  Mt CO2/yr  2005   5086.483
12  MESSAGE-GLOBIOM  SSP2-26   R5MAF  Emissions|CO2  Mt CO2/yr  2005   4474.073
3   MESSAGE-GLOBIOM  SSP2-26  R5OECD  Emissions|CO2  Mt CO2/yr  2005  14486.522
6   MESSAGE-GLOBIOM  SSP2-26   R5REF  Emissions|CO2  Mt CO2/yr  2005   2742.073

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyam

fname = 'data.csv'

df = pyam.IamDataFrame(fname, encoding='ISO-8859-1')

df = (df
      .filter({'variable': 'Emissions|CO2'})
      .filter({'region': 'World'}, keep=False)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
df.line_plot(ax=ax, color='region')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.049 seconds)

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